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NOLCOM is lying to the people

Martin Montana
Chadli Molintas Command
New People's Army
Ilocos-Cordillera Region
July 16, 2003

NOLCOM commanding officer Maj. Gen. Romeo Dominguez and Lt. Col. Preme Monta, Nolcom information officer are pathetic liars. They claimed that those killed by the Red fighters of the Leonardo Pacsi Command (NPA-Mountain Province) in barangay Talubin, Bontoc were "noncombat service-support personnel" of the 71st Infantry Battalion.

Monta went so far as to explain that "although the victims were military personnel, they were not armed at the time, making them noncombatants, and were merely acting as support personnel." But in the next breath, he claimed that "the suspected rebels also carted away the victims� personal belongings and service firearms, including a .45-caliber pistol, seven M-16 rifles and one M-14 rifle."

Tell that to the marines and of course they�ll believe it! Tell that to the people and they will laugh off such obvious lie. Does the NOLCOM mean to say that the NPA used magic to materialize those firearms out of thin air from supposedly unarmed noncombatant soldiers? NOLCOM�s claims are a pathetic attempt to gain sympathy for its slain men. Such lame excuse and worn out tactic of the AFP�s propaganda machinery will not gain the people�s sympathy but their ridicule and laughter.

Again, the AFP�s orchestrated badmouthing of the NPA has backfired. No amount of lies and pretensions will hide the true nature of the AFP - mercenaries serving and defending a corrupt system ruled by the imperialists and comprador-landlord ruling classes who are exploiting and oppressing the Filipino people.

The Chadli Molintas Command lauds the heroic success of the brave guerilla fighters of the Leonardo Pacsi Command. Every victorious battle in the struggle for national freedom and democracy will deliver more AFP firearms to the people and bring the victory of the revolution ever closer.

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