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NPA condemns murder of 2 NPA comrades by PNP

Chadli Molintas Command
New People's Army - Ilocos-Cordillera

Press Statement
August 18, 2005

The Chadli Molintas Command condemns in the strongest possible way the cowardly murder of Antonio "Ka Leyap" Licawen and Brando "KaTub-on" Banasan by PNP troops in Sitio Luy-otan, Barangay Sebang, Buguias, Benguet last 18 August 2005. Both victims were unarmed NPA guerillas who were evading pursuit operations being conducted by PNP troops under the command of Chief Inspectors Brent Madjaco and Melvin Napiloy and Senior Inspector Richard Albon.

Three days earlier on August 15, an encounter occured between a unit of the Jeniffer Maria Cari�o Command (NPA-Benguet) and PNP troops in Baculongan Sur, Buguias. Two comrades were killed � William "Ka Suktan" Gansel and Ryan "Ka Rudy" Alladog, and five were captured. The other comrades were able to retreat to safety, including Ka Leyap who suffered a broken ankle during the firefight. His foot swelled and was unable to walk.

The comrades carried him to a house in Sitio Luyot and left him there with Ka Tub-on to await travel arrangements to seek medical attention. They were thus unarmed, incapacitated, and unable to offer any form of resistance when they were chanced upon by enemy troops at about 3:00 pm of August 18. They were not a threat to the heavily armed and superior forces of the enemy. Their remains bore evidence of torture.

Ka Leyap had a broken arm and his armpit was punctured. Both were riddled with bullets. Ka Tub-on's corpse is beyond recognition. The PNP also riddled two houses with bullets, with no regard for the safety of civilians in the area.

The conduct of operations of the enemy troops was cowardly and in flagrant violation of the Articles of War and the Comprehensive Agreement on the Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law signed by the NDF and the government of the Republic of the Philippines. Firstly, under these conventions, Ka Leyap and Ka Tub-on were considered hors d' combat or non-combatants and should have been accorded the proper treatment. Secondly, the corpses of both victims were mutilated with multiple bullet wounds. Finally, the vastly superior enemy force could have captured them alive but chose instead to murder them.

This contemptible operation is evident of the fascist nature of the state and its paid troops. Murder and mutilation is the code of conduct for enemy troops rampaging in the countryside. They show no respect for the lives of peasants and workers, nor for those of captured NPA fighters under their mercy. Madjaco, Napiloy, and Albon and other members of the enemy operating unit were commended and promoted by their superiors. But what honor and glory is there in the murder of non-combatants?

Ka Leyap, Ka Tub-on Ka Suktan & Ka Rudy will forever be remembered as martyrs who gave their lives in a just and valiant struggle to protect the interests of the poor and oppressed Filipinos. Their names will be in songs of struggle of the national minorities of the Cordillera. In a few years, the names of Madjaco, Napiloy, Albon and their fellow fascist troops will be largely forgotten, except to be recalled ocassionaly as murderous cowards who could not even adhere to principles of honorable combat. #


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