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On the Martyrdom of Simon "Ka Sib-at" Naogsan, Jr.

Martin Montana
Chadli Molintas Command
NPA Ilocos- Cordillera Region
July 10, 2006

An encounter occurred between elements of the 41st IB and an NPA team of the Agustin Begnalen Command in Sitio Mabongtot, Basar, Sallapadan on July 7, 2006, at about 2:30 p.m. Killed on the NPA side was Simon "Ka Sib-at" Naogsan, Jr., while Delfin "Ka Ian" Cari�o was wounded and eventually captured by the enemy. Together with Ka Ian and other comrades, he gallantly fought the enemy despite their being outnumbered and outmaneuvered.

Even as we grieve the death of Ka Sib-at, we draw inspiration and derive revolutionary strength and fervor from his shining memory and example.

Born on July 21, 1985 to Cordillera Peoples' Democratic Front Spokesperson Simon "Ka Filiw" Naogsan, Sr. and Lilia Naogsan, Ka Sib-at was raised in a non-traditional manner. Early on, he was ingrained with the values of selfless service to the people. He shunned the path of self-aggrandizement and bourgeois decadence trumpeted by the prevailing corrupt society. As a student, he came to understand the need for revolution and joined Kabatang Makabayan-Demokratiko a Tignayan dagiti Agtutubo ti Kordilyera (KM-DATAKO), the underground revolutionary mass organization of Cordillera youth and students. In 2002, he became a candidate member of the Communist Party of the Philippines.

At 17, he joined an exposure program in Abra on March, 2003. A few months later, he expressed a strong desire to join the NPA. He was formally accepted into the NPA when he turned 18.

He was first assigned to a consolidated area where there was minimal risk of military confrontation. Undaunted by the enemy and wanting to be of greater help to the revolution, he bravely volunteered to join an NPA unit deployed in the BoDaBuSa area (Boliney-Daguioman-Bucloc-Sallapadan) in Abra, where the 41st IB has been conducting continuous military operations since 2004.

As a Red fighter and Party cadre, Ka Sib-at deeply rooted himself among the masses. He was an exemplary cultural leader. He inspired comrades and the masses with his songs, skillful guitar-playing, acting, and other artistic skills. Ka Sib-at also excelled in conducting revolutionary training and education. He showed great potential as an intelligence officer of the Agustin Begnalen Command. He excelled both in political work and military leadership and thus became a Squad Leader and Political Officer. He became a full Party member in 2004. With the rapid pace of his revolutionary development, he earned the right and responsibility to become a Guerilla Front Party Committee member.

Ka Sib-at's death is a great loss to the revolution and the masses who loved him. He spent three years of his young life wholeheartedly and selflessly serving the masses. No matter how short, these were the best years of his life. He was truly among the finest sons and daughters of the Cordillera. For Ka Sib-at, a revolutionary hero and a martyr of the Cordillera and the Filipino people, a hundred flowers will bloom, a hundred youths will carry on the struggle, a hundred rifles will fire on the enemy.

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