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Coup d� etat, Manifestation of the Height of Corruption in the AFP in the AFP

Simeon "Ka Filiw" Naogsan
Cordillera Peoples' Democratic Front
an allied member of the NDFP
July 28, 2003

The present coup d� etat launched by Junior Officers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines manifest in a clear manner the intra factional contradictions among the ruling classes. It depicts a clear picture of the rottenness of the social system to the core.

The worsening economic situations have plunged the more than 75% of the population deeper into the poverty threshold more than ever before. That while yearly deficits keep increasing and funds for social services are more in wanting, meager funds are misused for �war against terrorism.�

These young officers who are thrown to doom in the battlefield cannot take it any longer. They can no longer stomach being pawns in the dirty terroristic acts like Davao City bombings ordered by no less than General Angelo Reyes in accordance with the SOT concepts and dictates of Pentagon. While they sweat it out in the battle fields, their commanding generals are having their good time in their air-conditioned rooms, playing golf and/or cooking up concerts ostensibly to launch their political careers.

That while the allotment of the AFP rank second in the national budget, eclipsing any other department of the national government, only a small trickle goes to the junior officers and enlisted men. The callousness of corruption in the AFP is so rampant that even pension benefits of war veterans are not spared. As in any other squabbles among the ruling class, this will just end up in accommodation and division of spoils and nothing more. No genuine change!

We enjoin the young officers that if you are truly concerned about the situation of the country, join the people�s revolution. Genuine change can only be attained by waging a just people�s war. Do not let yourselves become pawns of these big bourgeoisies in their fight for position.

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