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GMA’s two-year deadline against the revolutionary movement will only strengthen the NPA

Gloria Mandaraya Arroyo will surpass the former dictator Marcos as the biggest and most effective recruiter of the New People’s Army (NPA). While she is rampaging like a rabid dog, she only shows to the people that they can only realize justice through the revolutionary movement. Not contented with imposing hardships on the people by cheating in the elections, massive corruption and her pro-foreign capitalists policies, GMA now wants to pour billions of pesos in funds squeezed out from the people's pockets through oppressive taxes to launch a dirty waragainst the people and her critics.

GMA committed a grave injustice by usurping the presidency. Now, she has committed a graver injustice by using the people's money in deceiving and terrorizing the people just to ensure her hold on power. She intentionally aggravates the crisis through her grand designs like the Charter Change, imagined coup plots, "counter-terrorism", and other machinations in the futile attempt to deviate attention from the overwhelming clamor for her to step down from office. Her latest script is her announcement that she will crush the NPA and the revolutionary movement in two years.

Instead of using these funds to build much needed schools, hire more teachers and build more roads and bridges and provide other services for the people, large amounts of money will be spent in the name of "counter-insurgency." But these much needed funds will only fatten the pockets of corrupt military and police officials and worsen the killings of civilians.

Amid its failure to stop and solve the worsening criminality, the killing of journalists, judges and lawyers, priests and political activists, GMA now wants the police and even the barangay tanods to go after the NPA. This is not surprising because the biggest criminals and thieves are in power right now.

The NPA in Panay is not intimidated with GMA's threats and her two-year deadline to crush the revolution. We have full trust in the people's support because they can discern between the truth and the lies peddled by the administration.

The 3rd Infantry Division and Task Force Panay has implemented the Oplan Bantay Laya for the past five years which have caused much hardships and sufferings on the people. But the revolutionary movement has instead significantly strengthened and expanded. More and more people from various sectors are supporting the revolutionary movement in all forms because of the deepening discontent against the regime and the violence inflicted by the military and the police.

Support for the NPA and the revolutionary movement has been drawn even from businessmen, barangay tanod, police and within the Armed Forces of the Philippines itself. The NPA is more concerned with the brutality and impact of GMA's dirty war on civilians in the scramble of military officials to show an "accomplishment report" and to beat the two-year deadline.

It is only just and right that the people seek justice through their own means if the government continues to deny this. It is just and right to counter the government's brutality with revolution. In the next two years, Gloria can only thank herself for widening and deepening of discontent in all sectors, more and bigger protest actions, and for the further expansion and strengthening of revolutionary armed struggle.

GMA said she will crush the NPA in two years. But just like her other lies, she only means that she is setting a deadline on her rule.

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