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Statement on the Ambush on Capt. Motia of the Philippine Army

The shooting of Army Capt. Abelardo Motia in Dumarao, Capiz on August 5, 2006 is part of the series of offensives of the New People's Army (NPA) in response to the "all-out war" waged by the Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo Regime against the Filipino people.

GMA declared the "all-out war" in its illusion to wipe out the revolutionary movement in two years time. She is funding this war with P1 billion and has mobilized all forces of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, including the local police and the barangay tanod.

But it is the people, not the revolutionary forces, who are being hit by this "all-out war." Part of GMA's all out war policy, is the murder of citizens who have condemned her stealing of the presidency by cheating in the 2004 elections and the involvement of her family in corruption.

She has set the trend in the killing, threats, harassments and torture of workers, farmers, journalists, religious workers and activists who have stood up for their rights and against injustice.

Her killing spree has not spared even those who have carried out development projects for the masses in the villages. Arroyo's death squads have so far murdered more than 700 unarmed civilians in the whole country.

Thousands have been victims of bombings and strafing during military operations in the countryside and millions are suffering from hunger, joblessness, land-grabbing, and unabated increases in the price of oil, electricity and other basic necessities.

Here in Panay, seven farmers from Barangay Masaroy in Calinog and Barangay Wright in Tapaz were last month abducted and tortured by troops of the 1st Scout Ranger Battalion of the Philippine Army and forced them to admit that they are NPA members.

The people have no choice but to fight back and the NPA extends its support to their resistance .We are committed to continue defending the oppressed masses and are firm in carrying out tactical offensives against the all out war.

We call on the people to participate in advancing the armed struggle until the people are free of the oppressive rule of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism.

Capt. Motia is a rabid implementer of the all out war here in Panay ever since his assignment with the 33rd Division Reconnaissance Company and until his transfer to the 12th Infantry Battalion of Task Force Panay.

He led the raid against an NPA unit in Barangay Agsirab in Dumarao in 2004 which led to the death of a Red Fighter and the wounding /arrest of another.
Major Sollesta cannot claim credit for Capt. Motia as the one who brought our wounded comrade to the hospital as this is their obligation under provisions of the international agreement of Protocol II of the Geneva Conventions. Moreover, the wounded comrade was treated because of the help of the people who came across him Capt. Motia is a legitimate target of our military offensive like other high-ranking officials of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and PMG who are rabid in leading and implementing the orders of an illegitimate president.

This holds true for the police officer Larry Vicente who kept on aggressively running after the NPA even after he was given a chance to reform when he was arrested and yet released during the NPA raid in Tubungan.

But policemen and soldiers who have withdrawn their support or are opposed to the merciless Arroyo Regime and who do not engage in operations against the NPA are not targets of our offensives.

Sgd) Julian Paisano
Coronacion "Komander Waling-Waling" Chiva Operational Command
August 9, 2006

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