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On the ambush by the RPA faction of Demetrio Capilastique on some elements of the Janiuay Police

Last March 28, 2008 a team of policemen was ambushed in Barangay Patung-patong, Janiuay, Iloilo, by an armed gang under Demetrio Capilastique alias Hugo of the Nilo De La Cruz faction of the RPA-ABB. One policeman died on the spot while two others were wounded. They were ambushed on the way back to the municipal station after responding to the complaint of a civilian who was abused by Hugo's men in the said barrio.

As expected, Hugo denied any responsibility and instead insinuated the involvement of the NPA. But the barrio's residents, and even the Janiuay police, point to the RPA-ABB as the culprits. And while denying any participation, the group of "Jack" continues to hide from the police. The NPA does not need to reply to Hugo's insinuations. The people of Janiuay and even the police are familiar with the crimes and abuses of this well-known band of fake revolutionaries. The RPA-ABB's participation in the recent murder of Barangay Captain Jerry Colaja of Quipot remains fresh in the public mind. So is their accountability for the ambush-slaying of Juanito Lutero of Tambal, of the two CVO members in Calmay, and many others. Hugo and his group kill mainly to take control of the gravel and sand business in the Swage River, and because they are guns for hire to anyone who can pay their price.

Hugo and his group are also part of the AFP's death squad that abducted Luisa Posa and Nilo Arado in Oton almost a year ago. The two remain missing until now.

Hugo's group is maintained and protected by intelligence units of the AFP and PNP for their services in doing dirty jobs --assassinations, threats and robbery that they are ordered to carry out without implicating the military brains behind them. Thus, the military and police can order the implementation--outside their own bourgeois laws-- of crimes against the people especially those critical of the present regime.

The Mayor and police of Janiuay have in some way given protection to Hugo and his group who had been their handy implements in the last elections to ensure the victory of certain politicians. They are consequently at the receiving end of their own laxity, for the abusive RPA have now ambushed their own police in the town of Janiuay itself.

It is ridiculous for the PNP Provincial Director and local authorities of Janiuay to announce the resolution of the crime in the framework of the "peace agreement" between the GRP and the RPA. The public can see through this masquerade of the government negotiating with its own agents--the special CAFGU called RPA. The Provincial Director is just using the said "agreement" to cover the police's pathetic incapacity to whip into line their own RPA hitmen. Just you wait for the NPA to enforce justice on Hugo's group, on these AFP/PNP hatchetmen!

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Julian Paisano
Coronacion "Waling-waling" Chiva Command
New People's Army, Panay Region
April 2, 2008

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