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    English Hiligaynon

Celebrate forty years of revolutionary struggle! Advance to the next higher level of the people's war

The Coronacion "Waling-waling" Chiva Command joins the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the NPA. We celebrate the continuing victories of the NPA over the intense attacks of the 3ID, PA in its Oplan Bantay Laya 2, and our unity with the masses which gives the NPA the strength to raise the people�s war to a higher level.

The NPA has defeated not only Oplan Bantay Laya, but also 40 years of enemy campaigns to destroy the revolutionary movement. The PC and "commando" of the 70s here in Panay up to the Division Reconnaisance Company and Scout Rangers of the present have all failed to break the unwavering unity of the masses and the NPA. This is because the NPA wages a just people�s war as true servants of the masses while the AFP serves the oppressors and enemies of the people. Thus, the AFP can only resort to worn-out tactics that have been defeated time and again by the revolutionary fighters of the masses.

In Oplan Bantay Laya 2, the recycled tactics of RSOT and Intel Commando of the 3ID that try to imitate or pose as NPA fighters have also yielded recycled results of the much vaunted recruits of the CAFGU, most are just returning members who have long been discredited among the people. Most of the surrenderees who are presented in recent media hype are former rebel returnees who have already surrendered several times. Some of them have left the revolutionary movement more than two decades ago.

Not a single barrio was dismantled by the military in the whole OBL campaign. Instead, the revolutionary mass base grew by 30% this year and further developed revolutionary organizations. These associations of peasants now train the people in solving problems within the barrio concerning increased production, peace and order, education, and health care. The revolutionary mass organizations stand as the backbone of the masses in the defense of their lands, including the ancestral lands of the tumanduk in Panay that are being land-grabbed by the 3ID, PA.

Desperate to show results, the AFP propped up the fake surrenders by mock encounters while it hid the real score of its casualties like what happened in Buri and Aglinab in Tapaz, Capiz where demoralized troops shot at each other.

The AFP went all over itself to support the US�s desecration of the tumanduk�s ancestral lands in last February�s Balance Piston 09-1 where peasants were driven away from their homes to give way for testing foreign bombs. Tumanduk people�s lives and livelihood were dislocated and some persons suffered from shell-shock due to the bombings.

Meanwhile, the NPA continued to take root in more towns and barrios in both old and new areas in Panay, increased in strength, grew and gathered new force in second and third generations of red fighters. Since the start of OBL in 2002, regular guerilla forces have more than doubled in number and the local militia has grown to two battalions. It has launched 66 tactical offensives wherein 40 military and para-military troops were killed and 46 firearms of varied calibres were confiscated.

The NPA in Panay is sufficiently capable of marching with the whole revolutionary movement in advancing to the next higher level of the people�s war. This year, we will move forward to achieve the requisites for strengthening company-sized fronts, expand and consolidate the mass organizations, increase the strength and capacity of the people�s army and launch more tactical offensives. In its dying years, the AFP�s Oplan Bantay Laya 2 will receive its death blow in the whole country as well as here in Panay.

Julian Paisano
Coronacion "Waling-waling" Chiva Command
NPA - Panay

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