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The NPA will persevere in serving the people and advancing the people's war till victory

Jose Sumoroy
Efren Martires Command
New People's Army-Eastern Visayas
March 29, 2003

On the celebration of the 34th NPA anniversary, the Efren Martires Command pays tribute to all the revolutionary martyrs, Red commanders and fighters, and the revolutionary masses and supporters in Eastern Visayas. From their heroic efforts, sacrifices and support, the NPA continues to strengthen itself and accumulate new victories here in the region, which contribute significantly to the general advance of the people s war in the entire Philippines.

The victories attained in Eastern Visayas by the NPA and the revolutionary armed struggle are not inconsiderable since the planting of the seed of revolution more than thirty years ago. From nothing, the NPA here has grown to its present strength that is equivalent to 3 battalions, which are supported by militia units that amount to 7 battalions. The NPA operates actively in several guerrilla zones and bases in the greater majority of the provinces and towns of the entire region, where it enjoys the support of a mass base that runs into the hundreds of thousands at present.

For it perseveres in being fully and wholly at the service of the people, the NPA could prevail and accumulate strength in the region despite the various brutal suppression campaigns of the reactionary government and the mercenary AFP. Thus, it enjoys the broad and deep support of the people, especially the most exploited and oppressed who are in the vast countryside. The NPA courageously graps its role as the principal weapon of the revolution in advancing the armed struggle that will overthrow the reactionary system that causes the people s sufferings. The NPA also helps in arousing, mobilizing and organizing the masses for the revolution, and through this, the revolutionary political power of the people can be established and strengthened in the far-flung barrios. As the stalwart armed mainstay, the NPA also assists in forwarding the agrarian revolution that is mainly carried out by the peasant masses themselves in the barrios.

The NPA is the true army of the people that is unparalleled in Philippine history and wholly different from all reactionary, mercenary and bandit armies, like the AFP. The Red commanders and fighters voluntarily join the NPA for the pristine purpose of serving the people through the highest and most heroic form of struggle the armed struggle to do away with the rotten system and establish a free, peaceful and progressive society. Within the NPA are gathered increasing numbers of the best sons and daughters of the revolution from the ranks of the peasant masses in the countryside, as well as from the ranks of the workers, youth and students, professionals, church people and others from the cities. The reactionary enemy cannot defeat nor even match the NPA s unity, heroism, courage and discipline.

In the face of the worsening decay, puppety and fascism of the Macapagal-Arroyo regime and growing military intervention of the US in the Philippines, there is a greater urgency to advance the revolutionary armed struggle to protect and forward the rights and interests of the people. In behalf of the Red commanders and fighters in the region, the Efren Martires Command declares that the NPA in Eastern Visayas is ready to face the new challenges so that revolutionary armed struggle can be taken to a new and higher level.

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