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Delegations to International Meet on Bandung Sign Petition in Support of Prof. Jose Maria Sison

DEFEND International
April 20, 2005

Press Release

The International Research Conference held from 14 to 16 April 2005 in Bandung, Indonesia to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the summit of newly-independent Afro-Asian countries in 1955 became the occasion for the delegations to sign a petition defending the rights of Prof. Jose Maria Sison and demanding that his name be taken off the list of �terrorists� instigated by the US and repeated by other governments.

The petition asserted that the rights of Prof. Sison as a recognized political refugee under the Refugee Convention and the European Convention on Human Rights as well as his role as chief political consultant of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) in peace negotiations with the Government of the Republic of the Philippines be respected.

The petition also pointed out the violation of his basic right to human existence by the Dutch government�s withdrawal of living allowance, health insurance and housing, which were previously granted to him after he was prohibited from getting employment.

The signatories of the petition included the following: Prof. Michel Chossudovsky from Canada, Dr. Chandrakant Patel from Uganda, Ms Radha de Sauza from New Zealand, Ms Rahmeh Mensour from Palestine, Prof. James Goodman and Carlene Wilson from Australia, Ms. Azra Sayeed from Pakistan, Mr. Harsha Kumara from Sri Lanka, Mr. T. Rajamoonthy and Mr. Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid from Malaysia, Mr. Kevin Barr from Fiji, Mr. Rafiqul Haquetito from Bangladesh, Mr. Antonio Tujan, Dr. Carol P. Araullo and Mr. Danilo Ramos from the Philippines, and all the registered participants from Indonesia, representing a wide range of people�s and non-governmental organizations such as Aliansi Gerakan Refforma Agraria (AGRA), Gerakan Rakyat Indonesia (GRI), Federation of Independent Trade Unions (GSBI), Korsorsium Pembaruan Agraria (KPA) and the Institute for Global Justice (IGJ),

The International Conference was organized by the Asia-Pacific Research Network in cooperation with the International League of Peoples� Struggle. It was hosted by the Institute for Global Justice, Aliansi Gerakan Refforma Agraria and the Korsorsium Pembaruan Agraria.

The delegates enthusiastically discussed the conference theme, �Bandung in the 21st Century: Continuing the Struggle for Independence, Peace Against Imperialist War and Globalization.� They exchanged experiences, views and proposals for the purpose of raising to a new and higher level the people�s struggle for national and social liberation against imperialism and reaction.##

For reference:
Ruth de Leon
Telephone: +31-30-2368722
Email: [email protected]

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