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January 20, 2004

Jose Maria Sison:
At Home in the World
Portrait of a Revolutionary
Ninotchka Rosca

In the midst of whatever adversity, Jose Maria Sison constantly gives Filipinos a reason to affirm and celebrate themselves as a people. The governments of Europe, the United States, Canada, and the Philippines keep trying to bury him and only succeed in having songs sung in his praise. � Ninotchka Rosca

Global Studies/Contemporary Political Biography
Cloth: ISBN 0-940880-70-9 $32.00
Paperback: ISBN 0-940880-72-5 $16.00
Publication Date: April 2004

Open Hand Publishing, LLC, P.O. Box 20207, Greensboro, NC 27420

Prepublication Orders:
$2.00 Discount Per Book
Order your copy today!

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