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Letter of Utrecht Municipality Social Development Service

Mr. Drs. C.E. van der Linden
Head, Social Matters and Work Opportunity

September 10, 2002

(Translation from Dutch original)
[Note: This was received on 12 September 2002.]

Utrecht Municipality
Social Development Service
Social Matters and Work Opportunity
Mailing address: P.O.Box 8029, 3503 SB Utrecht
Our reference: 84616
Subject: ending of ROA-benefits/Sanction Regulation Terrorism 2002 III
Processed by: R.J. van der Plaat
Tel. No. : 286 52 67
Sent: 10 Sept. 2002
On answering give date, reference no. and subject

Dear Mr. Sison,

You have been receiving benefits on the basis of Regulation on Reception of Asylumseekers (ROA). These benefits consist of:

    - payment of an allowance for personal expenses;
    - providing of accommodation (place to stay)
    - insurances for sickness and third party liability

On 15 August 2002, the Sanction Regulation Against Terrorism 2002 III became effective (Staatscourant 13 August 2002, nr. 153). On the basis of that regulation all benefits that we extend to you are terminated.

We have therefore decided to terminate all benefits that we provide to you beginning 15 August 2002. That means that you shall no longer receive an allowance for personal expenses and you are no longer insured against illness and the financial consequences of legal liability. It also means that we terminate the user’s agreement we had signed with you on 30 January 1989 for the apartment on Rooseveltlaan 778 in Utrecht

You may therefore no longer make use of the apartment on Rooseveltlaan 778 in Utrecht.

We also call your attention to the following: on the basis of Article 3 of the Sanction Regulation Against Terrorism 2002 III, it is possible to request the Minister of Finance for a lifting of the prohibitions of the Sanction Regulation for humanitarian reasons. We have asked for approval of:

    - offering you a place to stay
    - give you insurance against illness and the consequences of legal liability;
    - to provide you with an allowance for personal expenses.

It is not completely certain whether the approval can be asked through the municipality. We also do not have access to all information in order to substantiate the humanitarian grounds for the request. Therefore we advise you to make your own request to the Minister of Finance.

As long as the Minister of Finance has not given approval to restore the benefits based on ROA, we shall not be allowed to do that.

We still have no solution for the accommodation of the members of your family. While awaiting a decision of the Minister of Finance on our request, we allow them to stay in the house that we had made available to you.

If you do not agree with this ruling, you may submit an appeal with the board of the Mayor and Councilors, P.O.Box 16200, 3500 CE Utrecht. You have to do that within 6 weeks after the date this ruling was sent. It would be nice if you send us a copy of it.

In the appeal you state: your name and address, the date, a short description of the ruling against which you are making an appeal, and the reasons why you do not agree with the ruling. Finally, you sign the appeal.

Mayor and councilors of Utrecht,
(sgd.) Mr. Drs. C.E. van der Linden
Head, Social Matters and Work Opportunity

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