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Open Letter to the Filipino community

B.C. Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines
October 18, 2002

On September 19, 2002, the Asian Pacific Post published a highly irresponsible and slanderous article claiming that five organizations of the Kalayaan Centre are linked to "a terrorist threat."

The B.C. Committee for Human Rights of the Philippines, Filipino Nurses Support Group, Philippine Women Centre of B.C., SIKLAB (Overseas Filipino workers organization), Ugnayan ng Kabataang Pilipino sa Canada/Filipino-Canadian Youth Alliance-Vancouver unequivocally and categorically deny these unjust and wrong accusations.

As overseas marginalized Filipino workers, women, and youth who were directly targeted by the wrongful accusations, we refuse to be silenced. On the contrary, we wish to take this opportunity to productively deepen our community's understanding of the U.S.-led war on "terrorism" and its impact on overseas Filipinos.

Since the tragedy of September 11th, millions of Filipinos the world over have fallen victim to the "anti-terrorism" hysteria of the U.S.-led international "war on terrorism". After the U.S. military stormed into Afghanistan in the name of vengeance, thousands of U.S. combat soldiers have been marching into the Philippines since January 2002. This deployment marked the opening of U.S. imperialism's second front in its global war on "terrorism".

Originally, the U.S. troops were sent to help President Macapagal-Arroyo and the Philippine military get rid of the Abu Sayaff. But, despite the obvious fact that there is little left of the Abu Sayaff, the U.S. military still continues to participate in combat outside of Mindanao. Now, the U.S. is targeting the legitimate aspirations of the Filipino people for genuine peace, democracy, and national freedom.

Targeting the Filipino people's desire for genuine democracy

  • August 9, 2002, US Secretary of State Colin Powell announces the inclusion of the Communist Party of the Philippines/New People's Army (CPP/NPA) on its list of Foreign "Terrorist" Organizations
  • August 12, the U.S. singles out Professor Jose Maria Sison (chief political consultant of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines) adding his name to its foreign "terrorist" list
  • August 13, the Dutch government puts the CPP, NPA, and Professor Sison on its Foreign "Terrorist" list
  • August 29, the Canadian government quietly, and without explanation or due process, adds the CPP and NPA to its list of foreign "terrorists".

In the Netherlands, where Professor Sison is a recognized political refugee, the Dutch government has been persecuting him and his family. Professor Sison s bank account has been frozen and his rightful social benefits have been terminated effectively robbing him and his family of very basic necessities such as food, shelter, and health care. They are now threatening to have Professor Sison unjustly extradited to the U.S.

The accusations that we are "linked to a terrorist threat" resulted only after we took stand in defence of Professor Sison and against the political witch hunting of the U.S.

Why the CPP, NPA, and Professor Sison are not terrorists?

The CPP and NPA are major allied organizations within the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP). The NDFP represents a legitimate national liberation movement that has been engaged in a civil war with the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP).

The disciplined practice of the CPP and NPA for over the last three decades is evidence enough that they have been unjustly branded as "terrorists":

  • since 1972, the NDFP has been upholding, defending and advancing the national democratic aspirations of the Filipino people against the foreign domination of U.S. imperialism and the local exploitation of the Philippine ruling elite
  • since 1992, the NDFP has been engaged in peace negotiations with the GRP. The peace negotiations have been supported and hosted by various European governments, incluidng the Dutch, Belgian, and Norwegian governments.
  • in 1996, NDFP member organizations bound themselves to the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and its Protocols that govern the conduct of civil war and armed conflict
  • in 1998, the Philippine government and NDFP signed the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for International and Humanitarian Law
  • in September 2002, European Parliamentarians came out in support of Professor Sison and against the listing of Prof. Sison, the CPP and NPA as "terrorists"

Now, the current atmosphere of political witch hunting is undermining this peace process -- threatening the Filipino people s hope for just and lasting peace.

Professor Sison has been a key part of the peace-building efforts of the NDFP. He has consistently demonstrated his dedication to building a just and lasting peace. It is for his commitment to forwarding the Filipino people s aspirations for genuine democracy and freedom that he has been unjustly labelled a "terrorist". The U.S. and Dutch government have failed to follow due process and provide a sufficent explanation for personally attacking Professor Sison. Nowhere in the world, including the Philippines, has Professor Sison been charged with any criminal offense.

The systematic targeting of member organizations of the NDFP and of Professor Sison violate United Nations- and European Union- endorsed international standards dealing with national liberation movements and political refugees.

Our commitment to continue the struggle for social justice

It is in the spirit of defending the Filipino people s legitimate rights and welfare, and in our belief that genuine peace must prevail, that we denounce the U.S. attempts to suppress the Filipino people s movement for a just and lasting peace.

Terrorism entails the use of senseless violence to intimidate and create fear among the people.

In stark contrast to the philosophy of terrorism, our organizations are founded on the belief that our community has a legitimate right and responsibility to actively and positively contribute towards the building of genuine equality and development of all Filipinos. We were forced to leave the Philippines for a better life in the face of chronic economic and political crisis in our home country. We work as cheap labourers while struggling with racism and other forms of discrimination in Canada. It is from our collective experience of forced migration from the Philippines and hardship in Canada that our community carries a deep desire for genuine social change and dynamism to actively and positively change our situation.

We have never hidden our politics, and see our community work as part the historic effort of the Filipino people to achieve genuine freedom and democracy. Our organizations have carried out this work on the principle of self-reliance and with the aim of involving the community in a just struggle for our social justice.

Therefore, we urge our community not to be afraid to stand up and defend the legitimate aspirations of the Filipino people for genuine democracy and freedom in the face of fear mongering and hysteria being spread by the U.S. and Philippine governments.

Let us not all the current atmosphere of panic to paralyze us. Instead, let us strengthen our resolve to continue to advance our struggle for social justice of overseas Filipinos in Canada. Let us be true to the brave heritage of the Filipino people and affirm our desire and willingness to achieve a just and lasting peace for all Filipinos.

Letter of:

  • B.C. Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines
  • Filipino Nurses Support Group
  • Philippine Women Centre of B.C.
  • Ugnayan ng Kabataang Pilipino sa Canada/Filipino-Canadian Youth Alliance-Vancouver

Celebrating 20 years of solidarity with the Filipino people's struggle
B.C. Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines
211- 5450 Empire Drive, Burnaby, BC CANADA V5B 1N4
Phone: 604-215-1905
Email: [email protected]

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