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Community organizations in the Netherlands to host a rare intimate evening with internationally-acclaimed Filipina author Ninotchka Rosca and Jose Maria Sison

Committee DEFEND-Netherlands
November 23, 2004

For Immediate Release:

Committee Defend-Netherlands along with Migrante-Europe, Kabalikat, Netherlands-Filipino Solidarity, Pinay sa Holland, Migrante Party List, Kaisa ng Bayan, and PINOY will host a special evening with award-winning Filipina author Ninotchka Rosca and Jose Maria Sison, renowned exiled Filipino revolutionary and poet on 3 December 2004. Themed "Private Conversations with Ninotchka Rosca and Jose Maria Sison," the evening will feature Rosca and Sison and share their collaboration on the recently published book At Home in the World (Portrait of a Revolutionary).

At Home in the World chronicles the life of Sison, who was arbitrarily listed as a "Specially Designated Terrorist" to the US Treasury Department's list along with the Communist Party of the Philippines (of which he is the founding chairman) and the New People's Army on 12 August 2002, and renewed 9 August 2004. Other countries blindly followed suit and labeled him "terrorist", including the Netherlands and the European Union. The Dutch government cancelled all housing, health and food allowance benefits. A travel ban has been imposed on Sison, limiting his travel to only within the Netherlands.

Although the travel ban may restrict Sison from participating in previous book launchings, cultural events, and others such activities held in countries around the world, the various community organizatons in the Netherlands are excited to host this rare and exciting opportunity for the people of the Netherlands to witness the collaboration of two talented writers and revolutionaries.

Jose Maria Sison is among the 210 most important Marxists since the Communist Manifesto according to the Bibliographical Dictionary of Marxism (London, 1986). He is the Chief Political Consultant for the Peace Negotiating Panel of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) which is undergoing peace talks with the Philippine government. He has taught English at University of the Philippines and has written several books including two volumes of poetry.

Co-author Ninotchka Rosca, a former political prisoner under the Marcos Dictatorship, Rosca has written numerous works of fiction, and is the 1993 winner of the American Book Award for her novel, Twice Blessed. She has appeared in several publications including the Village Voice, Q, Ms. Magazine and the International. She is the Founding chair of Gabriela Network, solidarity organization for Filipino women in the United States, and the International spokesperson for the Purple Rose Campaign to end the sex trafficking of Filipino women and children and is a lecturer for the Institute of Social Change (Speak Out) on women's rights.

The evening's program will include cultural performances, messages from Sison and Rosca followed by a question and answer period. Both authors will be available for book signings and photo opportunities.

"Private Conversations with Ninotchka Rosca and Jose Maria Sison"
Friday, 3 December 2004
1930 h - 2100 h
Migrante Europe Office
Keizersgracht 132
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

For more information contact Chico or Leah at (020) 231-0431 or 06-38200157

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