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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP condemns Philippine Army for planting land mines in Isabela
February 13, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines today condemned the Philippine Army 502nd Brigade for planting self-detonating anti-personnel land mines in the forested areas of Barrio Dicamay Uno, Jones, Isabela in and around the scene of an ambush by the New People's Army (NPA) on January 24.

The Philippine Army suffered 27 dead and three wounded in the ambush.

Citing reports from the Benito Tesorio Command, CPP spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal deplored the danger posed to the people in the area by the land mines, which were purposely planted along trails the masses take to reach their farms. "Aside from threatening the people's lives, the AFP is depriving the barriofolk of the right to make a living," said Rosal.

Rosal assailed the AFP's use of land mines with detonating mechanisms that could be triggered by any person or animal that steps on them. "They cause immediate injury or death and are indiscriminate," said Rosal.

According to Rosal, the CPP strictly prohibits the NPA from using self-detonating land mines and allows only command-detonated land mines aimed at specific and legitimate military targets.

The CPP also condemned the Philippine Army for "terrorizing the people of Barangay San Isidro, Jones, Isabela." Rosal said reports reaching his office disclosed that Philippine Army soldiers were forcing their way into people's homes in search of NPA fighters. "In at least one instance," said Rosal, "the soldiers even forced a child to guide their military operations."

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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