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A statement on the current national crisis

Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal
Communist Party of the Philippines
October 04, 2004

  1. The NPA will intensify its tactical offensives to accelerate the overthrow of the US-Arroyo regime

    The Party calls on the NPA to launch bigger, more numerous and more frequent tactical offensives on isolated elements of the reactionary armed forces and police every time the opportunity presents itself, in order to accelerate the overthrow of the current puppet regime and support mass struggles in urban areas that will surely be launched by a people who have no other recourse but to take action and wage resistance. The New People's Army pledges to do its utmost to further advance its tactical offensives (TO) and launch bigger and more numerous TOs nationwide. This is one of the Party's main tasks spelled out in the three-year program formulated by the CPP Central Committee's 11th Plenum.

  2. Anyone willing to join the armed struggle is welcome to our guerrilla fronts

    The crisis besetting the system is sure to worsen and culminate in a massive uprising by the people, precisely because they have no other choice. Thus, the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People's Army and its 128 guerrilla fronts nationwide are fully prepared to accommodate the people, persons from various sectors, from the workers, peasants, students who choose to bear arms and join the armed struggle to put an end to or punish the current regime whose obsession it is to make the people suffer. The 128 guerrilla fronts nationwide are ready to accommodate those who decide to bear arms and advance armed struggle, which is the only solution that will put an end to the present system that is extremely exploitative and oppressive.

  3. The new tax measures being proposed spell political suicide for the Macapagal-Arroyo regime

    If the GMA government insists on going ahead with these numerous tax measures in the face of the people's increasingly insufferable conditions, it would be tantamount to political suicide for GMA even if she has been in office barely three months after the highly controversial recent elections.

    Why do we say political suicide? The people suffer so badly. Prices are high, all the people's basic needs have spiralling prices, transport fares are high, electric bills are costly, even government fees are being raised. On the other hand, whenever workers demand wage increases, GMA tells them, "Not now, we can't grant any wage hikes, let's all unite in confronting the crisis."

    This is what she also tells government employees, this is what she also tells the peasants. This will push the people to unite and wage resistance. We now see the signs, and perhaps in a matter of weeks or months, we will be seeing massive protest actions, people's mass actions that will once more rock Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's newly installed administration.

  4. The ruling classes are being shaken by factional strife

    It is highly probable that there will be a repeat of the fates that befell two previous regimes, the Marcos regime in 1986 and the Estrada regime in 2001. This time, it is the present puppet president, Mrs. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, who will be overthrown in a people's uprising. Aside from that, within the ruling classes no less, you'll notice that there is more intense bickering, more infighting. For instance, the government or the executive has been focusing on the congressmen and senators'pork barrel. It wants to monopolize the pork barrel, and this is what has been getting the ire of congressmen and senators-thus the nonstop bickering.

    Conflicts within the AFP have not been resolved, despite reports that the leaders of last year's Oakwood mutiny have supposedly apologized to Mrs. Macapagal-Arroyo. Even that has not reduced the problems within the AFP, since graft and corruption continue without letup inside the AFP. AFP and PNP generals continue to lead big crime syndicates involved in kidnapping for ransom, drugs, illegal gambling or jueteng. The problems of the rank-and-file and junior officers have not been addressed, so there is continuing unrest

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