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Intensify tactical offensives, frustrate the desperate Oplan Bantay Laya II (OBLII) and make greater contributions to the national movement to topple the Arroyo regime!

Concha Araneta
Panay Regional Committee
Communist Party of the Philippines
December 26, 2007

As we conclude 39 years of glorious struggle led by the Communist Party of the Philippines, we congratulate the heroic courage of our people and their people's army in their unmatched struggle in the midst of a regime hellbent on hanging to power by hook or by crook. Inspired by their noble example, the people in Panay are further encouraged to bravely defend the people's interests and further frustrate whatever schemes the regime might cook up along OBLII. We are likewise inspired by the ultimate sacrifices of our revolutionary martyrs to further our revolutionary cause.

2007 will be remembered by the people as the year of worsened economic crisis, even more blatant corruption, and state terrorism brandished all over the islands by the Arroyo regime. Despite the regime's arrogant claims of a stronger peso, more factories and work places closed down and agriculture declined, impoverishing almost four million Panayanon and all Filipinos. Even families of the 62,000 overseas contract workers in Panay, who staked their middle class future on the dollar remittance suffered a big slash off their dollar income.

In the face of the worsening hunger, unemployment and rampant price hikes of prime commodities, the callous Arroyo regime imposed the Human Security Act and OBLII to suppress the people's anger while it engorges itself in its evil lust for power, loot and blood.

But the the Arroyo regime will never forget that 2006 was the year when Oplan Bantay Laya I was finally scrapped. And 2007 will remain in her memory as the year when her OBLII suffered its first defeat in the face of the Filipino people's staunch resistance. At the lead are the forces of the Communist Party, the Bangsa Moro revolutionaries, and the whole gamut of Philippines society including sections of the reactionary AFP ang state institutions such as the Supreme Court, Senate and local government units. Outrageous claims by the regime to the contrary, her military itself admitted to failure in realizing the objective of OBL I and OBL II in its first year to crush the revolutionary movement in the priority regions of the country.

In Panay, the 301st Infantry Brigade (301st Bde) under the 3rd Infantry Division (3ID), in a year, launched around ten brigade and about 100 battalion and company operations; wasted millions of pesos in tax money for a war to keep the Arroyo regime in power and caused further dislocation to the already suffering people. All they can claim as accomplishments are photo opportunities and empty boasts about abandoned camps of the NPA. In many instances, the reactionary military was at the receiving end of sniping and ambushes, suffering casualties from NPA counter-offensives. Not one NPA Red fighter was killed or wounded in these encounters and all its officers and men became more experienced in actual combat.

Thousands upon thousands of Panayanons participated in the armed resistance and joined the NPA or the revolutionary masss organizations, having realized the need to topple the fascist regime. Many have seen the need to organize to collectively solve their own problems through organs of political power. Membership of revolutionary mass organizations in the countryside increased by 47%. The NPA increased in numbers including a jump by 85% of its local militias. The Communist Party itself expanded by 20% this year inspite of cruel persecution by a desperate reactionary regime. Such expansion is unprecedented since the Second Rectification movement in 1994.

Truly, the wild and desperate measures of a panicking regime has blown up on its face.

The blatant abduction of two respected mass leaders in Panay, Luisa Posa Dominado and Nilo Arado, and the shooting of human rights advocate LeeBoy Garachico by the death squad of the joint Internal Security Group-3ID Military Intelligence Battalion reaped widespread condemnation of the culprit, the Arroyo regime. This further broadened the alliance and cooperation among all sectors of Panay society including local government units to defend and uphold human rights and further develop the open democratic mass movement in the cities and towns.

Again the people of Panay demonstrated their capacity to paralyze the whole island in righteous anger against the eleventh oil price hike by foreign oil monopolies inspite of decreasing world oil prices. They voluntarily stayed at home while public transport drivers and operators grounded their jeeps, buses, motorcycles and even trisikads. Island-wide rallies and marches have grown bigger and more frequent in protest against rampant graft and cruel measures of the regime, contributing to the nation-wide struggle to oust the regime.

Even Panay, claimed by the regime as its bailiwick, elected anti-Arroyo candidates in the Senate and the local levels including the much maligned progressive Party-Lists. The Communist Party in Panay has developed the capacity to influence the results of bourgeois elections at various levels despite serious threats by the AFP.

The determination and sustained efforts of the Communist party to develop the armed resistance has encouraged other political forces and sectors including the bourgeois opposition, the churches, the media and even soldiers and officers of the reactionary AFP to struggle against the vindictive measures of the regime. With its armed and political strength, the Party has the capability to implement revolutonary policies within and outside its guerrilla fronts and execute revolutionary justice in a wide area of the island.

This influence will further strengthen and spread as the people continue to develop consciousness and unity in the face of sustained armed attacks by the Arroyo regime. The repressive policies of Gloria herself continue to push people to the armed revolution. Gloria herself continues laying the grounds for the inevitable failure of Oplan Bantay Laya II. The Communist Party of the Philippines, the New People's Army and the whole revolutionary masses are ever prepared to unite in struggle to seize every opportunity to carry the revolution to victory.

Long live the Communist Party of the Philippines!!!

Long live the masses of the Filipino people!!!

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