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Ruth Firmeza
11 May 1983

Why is the Face of the Sun Red?

When the face of the sun is red, There is war. -Folk Saying   Deep red is the face of the sun when the night and the light struggle against each other when the twilight mourns and the darkness spreads the borrowed light of the moon is colored red not yellow as the early dusk chases the sun setting in the west   At the mountaintop is a shadow a tall monument in the darkness can be seen as sturdy feet that could not pass through cling to the vines   Comrade Enyong, shall I believe the old folks? Why, when the sun turned red, the war took away your life when you could have saved the life of Comrade Greg who died because you were not here to serve as our doctor?   I curse in bitterness thinking that you were felled by the cruel mindless fascists trapped by the greedy who are concealed behind the darkness of the red spreading over the face of the sun   What you said about the moon borrowing light from the deep red sun is true. Like the light of the principle you brought from Isabela that up to Bicol served the oppressed   Red is the face of the sun because there is war red it is because the people are raging The moon shall continue to shine on dark roads that you have walked on and gone past through in the warriors' never-ending path of struggle till victory is won   (J.M.A.)

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