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Kultura Home Songs Ulos STR, Visual Artworks Poetry Prose

Wilfredo Gacosta
Selyembre 1973

Arrogance is an Enemy of Victory

green grassland, you're like a mat spread over the bamboo floor, offering haven to our weary minds and bodies.   tall coconut trees, craning necks of spectators of the march of the people.   mountains of jungles, towering roofs of progressive schools where student masses crowd, neglected by false learning.   golden ricefields, the sway of your arms is a wave of the hands of mother, spouse and children shedding tears, brimming with happiness on joining the New People's Army.   laughing river, spectator doubling up in glee at the trial of a greedy loan shark pale with fear in the people's court.   why have you suddenly become lifeless? have alien footfalls intruded into the central area? does savagery threaten to ruin the great agrarian movement? do you also hate them? are they your enemies too? will you also attack them from ambush?   the easterly wind blows harder, the bolo-like grasses nod and so does the mesh of coconut leaves, the ripe fruits of the trees in the jungle fall with a thud, and the river roars again.   ah, my friend nature, banter and betting is too much.   arrogance is an enemy of victory!   (E.P.)

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