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Kultura Home Songs Ulos STR, Visual Artworks Poetry Prose

Lucia Makabayan
August 1983

Mother Teresa (English)

You rise to our memory Like your smile then when you opened The time-washed door. In a corner, a fire burned all night The waiting bits of pinewood You roused once more A blazing welcome for the comrades Yawned by the night.   Ah, you could reckon Just how much coffee to make Certain that there would be travellers Dropping by to exchange news. And you would remind us, "Lean your rifles against the wall and arrange your packs" Two days' walk Surely rest is all tired bodies need.   Your lamplight, then, was burning low, But the comrades' fatigue soon fled So many questions, so eager for news Organizing is in full force, you would say The masses are continuing the work we'd left behind.   In between whiles during our discussion You would observe us one by one The children you never fully came to know Now part of your life's flowing..   Ina Teresa, your door is never shut You are a smile that opens the minds of comrades Because you are part of our journeyings Your warmth cradles and vivifies.   (J. B.)  

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