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Wilfredo Gacosta
January 1972

Memories of my First Day as a Cadre in My Hometown

i find myself now before familiar faces... ragged children of old days, their skin sunburnt, their sweat made salty by the wind from the Pacific. their courage taught me early to dare cross swift rivers. together we built small sand castles, held hands as we raced with waves that hit the length of the shore. their deafening banter made me cry when i fell from the carabao. they were my allies against a thousand sparrows that stole the fat grains in the golden fields. we all admired the simple beauty of a girl come visiting for a pending harvest, we shared little joys and a thousand sorrows within humble yards.   but now they throw me unfamiliar stares... am i a stranger that must be shunned?   is it treachery to speak the new words, sing the new songs of an awakened slave?   ah, in a wink of an eye, old ties may be recalled. but must the distant scene of new friendships be merely gazed at?   yes, their stares are bound to soften at the radiance of freedom, the fire of revolt is bound to flare in their hearts. because they are my friends in bondage, they shall be with me in the days of reckoning.   and firmly the hands shall grasp each other in guarding sea and shore, banter shall become pursuit of rustlers, longer the barricade shall grow against the grabbers, and in a common voice every victory shall be celebrated!   (E.P.)

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