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Ruth Firmeza
September 1977
Kailusan, Twin Peaks
Baggao, Cagayan

Pitso Manok (English)

You are the highest among all that we have climbed the clouds are a shroud above you the winding roads we have walked from Isabela to Cagayan cut across you at your summit, Pitso Manok   From here one could look over the plains the Cordillera, another field of struggle here, new hope is what you offer manifold strength, strength of the mind you give in the midst of imprisonment and in breaking out of enemy encirclement   The swishing wind fills the breast we could see a broadening new world we could reach out to smash oppression and walking down from your steep summit a high level of struggle is attained   Pitso Manok, from your embrace we have gone away to be with the masses in another place who have been waiting for so long a new zone we have established to form part of our united ranks like you, they embrace what we are fighting for   (J.M.A.)

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