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Emin Peņa

Warm Greetings to our Comrades

I am filled with overflowing joy as I listen to the peasant tell us about the people's experience in delivering supplies for a conference "somewhere in Sierra Madre in 1977." If I am not mistaken, he is referring to the first conference of the Party in the region.   "It has been very long that we have not been together, comrades! We missed you!" the peasant greets with all sincerity.   How energetic are the masses in this barrio, the biggest in this town in the east. A few more times we shall come back and this place will be consolidated; the activists who have regained dynamism serve as strong foundations.   "How are Comrade Erving, Comrade Ramon, Comrade Desto, Comrade Sander, Comrade Lagring, Comrade Sidro Comrade Ninoy?"   (J.M.A.)

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