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Kultura Home Songs Ulos STR, Visual Artworks Poetry Prose

Kris Montaņez

M79 (English)

This gun has gone a long way, It is going a long way.   On its butt, the mercenary soldier Toting it painstakingly carves Every letter of the provinces Where he has been deployed By his masters: Davao, Cotabato, Samar, Tarlac, And lately Cagayan.   Moments when he awaits missions To attack, or when he rests After a bloody battle, While the battlefield Looks like only a peaceful scene of a place And the gun a toy on one's lap, The mercenary soldier sinks his knife Firmly into the smooth face Of the butt until he has carved The map of his savagery. The fire this gun spews Scorches, earth and sky tremble From the roar that breaks skulls And rips the breast of the land.   The gun aims at the people.   Now a Red fighter holds This gun. Whenever it shoots, it carves new letters On the skull of the enemy Anywhere in the land.   This gun has gone a long way, It is going a long way.   (E.P.)

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