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Emmanuel Lacaba

The People's Warrior

The people's warrior is an athlete: A mountain-climber, not because it Is there, but because the masses are there. He is an acrobat: balancing himself On fallen trunks of trees that bridge rivers And monstrous waterfalls of certain death, Like a tightrope dancer. The people's warrior Is an actor: on the stage of revolution; An actor of sincerity, for the masses Are the best critics, can read faces and bodies And know when you speak the truth, or are just Hamming. The people's warrior is, oh yes, A comedian: making the masses see the paradoxes, The irony, of their condition- The contradiction between him who is ruled but sweats And him who rules without a sweat from his Cushioned car and office and marble toilet seat; The people's warrior inspires the masses to march Forward to battle cheerfully, but with all Determination; he clowns, to make the masses feel At home with him, who is of them And for them- for the first time one armed But not abusive, the people's warrior.  

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