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Wilfredo Gacosta
Septembre 1973

Why did you Just Smile

Gogola is dead! the one who told you to chase the poisonous snake in his hacienda, who forced you to gulp down boiling coffee to shorten your break, the comprador who often borrowed your earnings and refused to lend you money even if you were on your deathbed.   the masses, history's great arbiters, have already given-their verdict on his litany of crimes against the toiling people.   why did you just smile? aren't you going to laugh over his ugly remains? you have avenged yourselves!   the revolution, comrades, is not a personal revenge. it is class struggle and the one that will laugh is the whole oppressed class, not anyone nor a handful of its members.   this is no time yet for laughter- millions still shed tears. this is no day yet for celebration- many still grieve, many slaves still plead to their masters. (E.P.)  

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