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Kultura Home Songs Ulos STR, Visual Artworks Poetry Prose

Emmanuel Lacaba


I   At All Souls, Christmas and New Year's, the parents, grandmothers and grandfathers, Aunts and uncles, in laws, brothers, nieces and nephews, and my children- All will gather around the puto, ginatan and biko. A moment's silence. And somebody will jest: "Where now could the old fool be?"   II   At the town fiesta food runs short as prices of goods continue to soar, And at the birthday merienda, the guests make short shrift of the restaurant-cooked pansit wrapped in banana leaves. Smiling, the former comrades make their wish: "A longer life to them in the struggle from the countryside!"   III   Here in the countryside: we, too, celebrate with the people who are gladdened At our arrival- the fighters they know and live with, in hunger and cold and need. Here in the countryside: darkness is braved even for a hundred years so each day After dawn will be a feast of color and light, song and triumph.  

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