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Kris Montaņez

"I Never Said a Word that Harms the People" (English)

They turned your wallet inside out On the faces of government agents flew Bus tickets, receipts, jumbled Telephone numbers Dates and places of meetings Names that cannot be found in any directory Loose change the masses worked hard for And offered to the revolution   They beat you up, kicked you Pointed a cocked gun at you "I know nothing" They made an ashtray of your mouth Gave you electric shocks in the genitals "I know nothing" They broke your ribs You spat blood "I know nothing!" Before you passed out You vehemently spat On the common face of the goons The grinning face of the dictator   They threw your beaen body In a dark cell But they failed to squeeze the truth On a piece of the foil of a cigarette pack In letters as minute as ants But as brave as your stand You wrote down "I never said a word That harms the people!"   Therefore, the pain from your wounds is a flame Raging in the breast of the people Your blood that clotted is iron as hard As the fists of the people Your mind the dark could not becloud Is as warm as the morning awakening the people Your words are weapons and ramparts Of the people How bright is history in the anger-darkened Faces of the people!   In the cramped cell A song livens you up From the jungle comes the song Of a fighter   The free wind blows through his hair He taps An ever ready Rifle As he sings How pure his voice   A smile shines on your swollen lips   This is the justice echoing in your words!   (E.P.)

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