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A revolutionary tribute to Dionisio "Ka Noli" Tongdo, a true hero of the people

Chadli Molintas Command
February 20, 2010

With heavy hearts, all Red commanders and fighters of the Chadli Molintas Command of the New People's Army in the Ilocos-Cordillera Region empathize with the family, relatives, and kailian of the late Dionisio "Ka Noli" Tongdo. No words can fully describe the heaviness of our mourning for the loss of a hero of the people.

Ka Noli had a sterling record as a true revolutionary. In over two decades of service to the people, Ka Noli was forged, tested and sharpened by a vast realm of experience and by the trials he had overcome. Ka Noli was an exemplary cadre and commander, an unshakeable pillar in politico-military work. In the 1980's, he was one of several tens of comrades who returned to and built the guerilla front in North Benguet. There, over a period of several years, were his capabilities honed until he became a capable Party cadre and a commander in the people's army.

Ka Noli was a true warrior, offspring of a race of warriors who for hundreds of years have stood ready to shed their blood to protect their honor and ancestral domain. The blood that coursed through his veins was the same as that of the tribal elders and the rest of the Kalingas who resisted the Chico River Dam Project and bravely faced the Marcos dictatorship's brutal military machinery. The blood that coursed through his veins was the same as that of Ka Lejo Cawilan and the many other best sons and daughters of Tanglag who gave their lives for the people's revolutionary cause. Before his death, Ka Noli was one of the Red commanders and fighters who valiantly fought against a vastly superior enemy force operating in Tubo, Abra. Through their brilliant use of guerilla tactics and quick maneuvers, Ka Noli and the rest of the comrades inflicted heavy casualties upon the enemy. In the three firefights that took place in Tubo lately, six army troopers were killed and ten were wounded.

Changes in life are all so sudden in the battlefield. Thus all Red fighters and commanders are prepared to sacrifice, to lay down their lives if they must, for the glorious cause of freedom. Ka Noli's passing was untimely. He could have done more for the revolution. But no weapon can kill the liberative aspiration that Ka Noli served and fought for, it will echo through the mountains and wide plains. No tomb can hold Ka Noli and the hundreds of other revolutionary heroes and martyrs, they shall live on in the hearts and minds of the people.

As we grieve, let us bear in mind the shining example of Ka Noli's selfless service to the people. Let us honor his achievements by persisting with the revolutionary struggle to which he offered his life. Let us keep him alive in our memories, in the face of the increasing sacrifices that the revolutionary cause demands from us, through painstaking struggle until we achieve our vision of a humane, free, and prosperous society.

Martin Montana

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