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Our Urgent Tasks

Our Urgent Tasks

by Amado Guerrero

This is a statement of the urgent tasks of the Communist Party of the Philippines in the light of the Third Plenum of the Central Committee and the most recent circumstances. Here included are the conditions, forces, methods, trends and reasons involved in carrying out such tasks.

We must unite wholeheartedly and firmly to carry out these tasks for the single purpose of winning the life-and-death struggle against the fascist dictatorial regime of the U.S.-Marcos clique and in the process carry forward the people’s democratic revolution in a comprehensive way.

Each one of us in the Party must take as much assignment and responsibility as possible, fearing neither hardship nor sacrifice and always devoting ourselves to serving the people. All of us must exert the utmost effort to lead our people towards national liberation and social emancipation.


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1. Carry Forward the Antifascist, Antifeudal and Anti-imperialist Movement!

2. Further Strengthen the Party and Rectify our Errors!

3. Build the Revolutionary Mass Movement in the Countryside!

4. Further Strengthen the People’s Army and Carry forward the Revolutionary Armed Struggle!

5. Build the Revolutionary Mass Movement in the Cities!

6. Realize a Broad Antifascist, Antifeudal and Anti-imperialist United Front!

7. Relate the Philippine Revolution to the World Revolution!

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of the Communist Party of the Philippines.