Philippine Society and Revolution

Basahin sa Pilipino

Amado Guerrero
July 30, 1970

Table of Contents

Chapter One
Review of Philippine History

  1. The Philippines and the People
  2. The People upon the Coming of the Spanish Colonialists
  3. Spanish Colonialism and Feudalism
  4. The Philippine Revolution of 1896
  5. The Filipino-American War
  6. The Colonial Rule of U.S. Imperialism
  7. The People's Struggle against Japanese Imperialism
  8. The Present Puppet Republic of the Philippines
    1. The Roxas Puppet Regime, 1946-48
    2. The Quirino Puppet Regime, 1948-53
    3. The Magsaysay Puppet Regime, 1954-57
    4. The Garcia Puppet Regime, 1957-61
    5. The Macapagal Puppet Regime, 1962-65
    6. The Marcos Puppet Regime, 1966-
  9. The Reestablishment of the Communist Party of the Philippines

Chapter Two
Basic Problems of the Filipino People

  1. A Semicolonial and Semifeudal Society
  2. U.S. Imperialism
    1. The Meaning of Imperialism
    2. Bogus Independence and the Unequal Treaties
    3. U.S. Monopoly Control of the Philippines
    4. The Scheme to prolong U.S. Domination
  3. Feudalism
    1. The Meaning of Feudalism
    2. The Hacienda System
    3. Sham Land Reform
      1. Resettlement and Landgrabbing
      2. Land Retention Limits and Bogus Expropriation
    4. The Extent of Feudal and Semifeudal Exploitation
      1. The Magnitude of the Land Problem
      2. Basic Forms of Exploitation in the Countryside
    5. The Political Power of the Landlord Class
  4. Bureaucrat Capitalism
    1. The Meaning of Bureaucrat Capitalism
    2. Source of Graft and Corruption
    3. Fascism
    4. Reformist and Modern Revisionism

Chapter Three
The People's Democratic Revolution

  1. Basic Character of the Philippine Revolution
  2. Classes in Philippine Society
    1. The Landlord Class
    2. The Bourgeoisie
      1. The Comprador Big Bourgeoisie
      2. The Middle Bourgeoisie
      3. The Petty Bourgeoisie
    3. The Peasantry
      1. The Rich Peasants
      2. The Middle Peasants
      3. The Poor Peasants
    4. The Proletariat
      1. The Semiproletariat
      2. The Lumpen Proletariat
      3. Special Social Groups
  3. Class Basis of Strategy and Tactics
    1. Class Leadership and the Party
    2. The Main Force and the Armed Struggle
    3. The Basic Alliance and the National United Front
  4. Basic Tasks of the People's Democratic Revolution
    1. In the Political Field
    2. In the Economic Field
    3. In the Military Field
    4. In the Cultural Field
    5. In the Field of Foreign Relations
  5. Perspective of the Philippine Revolution

Tables (cont'd)

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