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10 April 1998

Throughout the entire period of bilateral deliberations on this first substantive item in the agenda of the GRP-NDFP peace negotiations, the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, including the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People's Army, has thoroughly studied and discussed the proposed and final provisions of the COMPREHENSIVE AGREEMENT ON RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS AND INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW which was signed by the respective Negotiating Panels of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) in The Hague, The Netherlands on 16 March 1998.

We are cognizant that this Agreement was concluded after a long period of hard work of the Parties' Negotiating Panels and their respective Reciprocal Working Committees on Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law. Despite its imperfections and shortcomings, it is a document of profound significance and of lasting benefit to the Filipino people as it is relevant to the current situation on human rights and international humanitarian law and is responsive to the needs and demands of the people.

This Agreement in a large measure addresses the expectations of the Filipino people. Its approval lays the foundation for its effective implementation. This in turn will pave the way for comprehensive agreements on social, economic, political and constitutional reforms that are required for the attainment of a just and lasting peace in accordance with the Hague Joint Declaration of 1 September 1992.

Pursuant, therefore, to Article 5 of Part VI of the said Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law which stipulates that "This Agreement shall be signed by the Negotiating Panels and shall take effect upon approval by their respective Principals," in conjunction with Section 6, Article II of the Joint Agreement on the Formation, Sequence and Operationalization of the Reciprocal Working Committees dated June 6, 1995 as amended by Section 2 of the Supplemental Agreement thereto dated March 18, 1997, the undersigned Principal of the NDFP hereby approves, for and in behalf of the NDFP, including the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People's Army, the said Agreement in toto, without any condition, qualification or reservation whatsoever.

This Approval shall forthwith be transmitted to the Principal of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines. Thereafter, the Agreement as a solemn covenant between the GRP and the NDFP during the peace negotiations shall become effective and binding upon approval by my counterpart in the GRP.

Done this 10th day of April 1998 in the Philippines.

NDFP National Council

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