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Communist Party of the Philippines

No amount of PR gimmickry can shore up the antipeople Arroyo regime -- CPP

May 19, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today said that no amount of public relations gimmickry can stop the growing isolation of the Arroyo regime as it continues to carry out measures that worsen the people's economic plight and trample on the nation's sovereignty.

The CPP issued the statement in reaction to Malaca�ang announcements that it would be enlisting the services of public relations specialists and entertainers to address the regime's sagging popularity ratings.

CPP spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said that Malaca�ang's tack is meant to "numb the people's consciousness with bright lights and artificial images, divert their attention from their worsening plight and lead them away from the path of militant and revolutionary action to bring down the Arroyo regime."

The use of PR specialists and entertainers is moreover indicative of the Arroyo regime's extreme contempt for the Filipino people's intelligence and utterly disregards their worsening economic plight, Rosal said.

"The Filipino people do not need more entertainment and PR gimmickry. Their clamor for wage increases is clear and urgent. They demand a stop to relentless oil price increases, heavier tax burdens and spiraling electricity and water rates as well as fare increases," Rosal added.

"How can they be amused when workers do not have jobs or decent wages? When peasants do not have land or rice to feed their families a decent meal? When their children can not go to school? Or when soldiers kill and maim innocent and unarmed people?"

Arroyo feigns indifference to her sagging popularity, said Rosal. "In reality, she dreads that her worsening isolation will eventually lead to her downfall."

Rosal also called on the movie and entertainment industry to side with the people's interests instead of allowing themselves to be used by Malaca�ang. He likewise called for the production of more relevant films and other cultural endeavors that raise the people's consciousness, instead of entertainment forms that would numb the people's consciousness, as the Arroyo regime wants. ###

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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