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Communist Party of the Philippines

Claims of NPA surrenderees, a military fantasy -- CPP

May 29, 2005

Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal today dismissed as "pure military fantasy" the claims made by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) that 671 members of the New People's Army (NPA).

In his statement, Rosal said "in the face of the worsening socio-economic crisis and intensifying political repression, Red fighters of the NPA are ever-determined to carry forward the armed revolution."

"Claims of surrenderees is an old Marcos hat-trick. People in rural barrios are rounded up against their will, made to take an oath and portrayed as surrendering NPA members," added Rosal.

"This is deception, pure and simple. It is a desperate and ineffective method of propaganda to boost the sagging morale of their foot soldiers who are incapable of stopping the advance of the people's war," Rosal said.

Rosal said "not even military officials believe in their own claims."

Rosal pointed out that the military "did not release details about the so-called surrenderees because there are no such details."

"The AFP officials fear that if they concoct detailed stories, their sham will be immediately exposed," Rosal added.

He said: "these empty propaganda claims by the AFP follow last week's equally incredulous statements made last week by Defense Secretary Avelino Cruz that the revolutionary armed movement will be wiped out in six to ten years."

He added: "The morale of NPA Red fighters is high. NPA recruitment is vigorous. The need for armed revolution is ever clearer in the face of the heightened oppression and suppression."

"The Arroyo regime's oppressive economic measures, state terrorism and puppetry to US imperialism are all teaching the Filipino people to fight back. As it is their most important weapon, the armed revolution will never be surrendered by the Filipino people," said Rosal.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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