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Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP calls on workers to launch protests against wage-freeze policy

May 29, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today released the following statement in reaction to the recent orders by Regional Wage Boards ordering an increase of P15-25 in the cost-of-living-allowance:
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) condemns the US-Arroyo regime for ordering a trifle increase in the cost-of-living-allowance (COLA) as its response to the long-standing and widespread clamor for a substantial wage increase.

The wage orders released by at least three Regional Wage Boards ordering a P15 to P20 increase in the COLA is a biting insult to the Filipino workers. It exhibits the regime's extreme contempt for the working class who are among those suffering the worst brunt of the neoliberal economic policies of the puppet Arroyo regime.

These wage orders serve the interests of the big capitalists. It is their demand for the Arroyo regime to perpetuate the policy of cheap labor. At the same time, they hope to douse cold water on the workers struggle for wage increases.

They will, however, fail in calming the workers and their families who daily have to suffer from spiraling costs of prices and sharp deterioration of their social conditions.

The CPP calls on the Filipino people to condemn these recent wage orders. The CPP calls on the Filipino workers to launch strikes and other forms of collective struggle to push for their demand for wage increases. The CPP calls on the workers to launch mass demonstrations to express indignation over the Arroyo regime's refusal to grant a substantial wage increase.

The history of workers struggle have proven that only by waging a vigorous struggle will the workers achieve their demands.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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