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Communist Party of the Philippines

Revolutionary movement will welcome more honest AFP and PNP officers -- Ka Roger

Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal today released the following statement in reaction to the announced defection on June 5 to the New People's Army (NPA) of former police intelligence officer Joel Escubido Geollegue after 28 years of service to the reactionary state:
Revolutionary forces nationwide welcome the defection of former Negros Oriental Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) deputy provincial officer Joel Escubido Geollegue. The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) especially welcomes Geollegue's renunciation of the Arroyo regime and the entire reactionary state's fascist and terrorist crimes over the past years. Geollegue's defection is significant, firstly because of his rank and level of responsibility. For 28 years, the Mossad-trained officer served the reactionary state and was at the forefront of its counterrevolutionary war. He therefore has deep knowledge of the reactionary state's fascist crimes. Furthermore, Geollegue's defection to the NPA underscores the continuing internal degeneration of the fascist instruments of the reactionary state that is daily weakened by internal bickerings among its officers over the question of control over criminal syndicates involved in drugs, prostitution, illegal gambling and other nefarious activities.

The Arroyo regime and its fascist instruments are extremely rotten that even its men cannot bear the stench. The CPP is aware that there are scores more of honest officers like Geollegue who have left or are in the process of leaving the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine National Police(PNP). Still more remain active in the AFP and PNP but have clandestinely linked up with the NPA and are carrying out specific tasks including passing invaluable intelligence information, surrendering firearms and other tasks. The CPP reissues its call for honest officers and men to leave the AFP and PNP and join the Lt. Crispin Tagamolila Movement (LCTM).

The LCTM is a clandestine movement of active and former officers and men of the AFP, PNP and other reactionary armed groups who have renounced fascism and crime and have linked up with the New People's Army (NPA) to serve the interests of the Filipino people.

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