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Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP urges militancy amid intensified repression

June 21, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today urged the Filipino people to be militant amid the Arroyo regime's intensified efforts to suppress mounting protests demanding Arroyo's resignation or ouster.

CPP spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said Arroyo was resorting to "dirty tactics" in her desperation to cling to power.

He condemned the raid by the National Bureau of Investigation last night on a printing press in Quezon City that was publishing anti-Arroyo posters. Two printing press workers were arrested.

Rosal also deplored the attempted abduction last Saturday of whistleblower Sandra Cam by several men who introduced themselves as members of the Presidential Security Group. Cam had earlier implicated Arroyo's son Mikey and brother-in-law Iggy as recipients in a jueteng payola.

He also expressed concern over reports from anti-Arroyo opposition groups that a "shoot to kill" order has been issued to the police against former NBI Director Samuel Ong. Ong had exposed taped conversations between Gloria Arroyo and a Comelec official widely believed to be Commissioner Virgilio Garcillano, about manipulating the results of the May 2004 polls. The issue has since been dubbed the "Gloria-gate scandal."

"These are Marcosian tactics aimed at silencing the growing clamor for Gloria Arroyo to step down," said Rosal.

Rosal warned the Arroyo regime against employing violence against street demonstrations planned by cause-oriented and sectoral organizations in the next few days.

He said the revolutionary movement will hold Arroyo herself responsible for any violent attacks against unarmed demonstrators and protestors as well as any of the witnesses in the jueteng payola and Gloria-gate scandals.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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