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Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP lauds North Cotabato raid, urges NPA to carry out more offensives

June 28, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today congratulated the New People's Army(NPA) for its successful raid on a police station in Magpet, North Cotabato on Sunday where it seized at least 30 firearms.

CPP spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said the raid dealt another blow against the Arroyo regime "which is now teetering on the brink of collapse."

Rosal noted that several weeks ago, an NPA unit in the Ilocos-Cordillera regions was also able to seize at least 30 high-powered firearms in a raid in Tubo, Abra.

Rosal called on NPA Red fighters to carry out more raids, ambushes and other armed offensives to help the Filipino people put an end to the corrupt, puppet and fascist Arroyo regime.

Rosal said the NPA must also intensify its armed offensives to seize an increasing number of high-powered weapons to arm the growing number of NPA recruits.

"The extreme rottenness of the ruling system now being laid bare by the disclosure of widespread electoral fraud and the increasingly oppressive conditions wrought by the regime's neoliberal economic policies are rousing the people to join the New People's Army and other revolutionary organizations," added Rosal.

He said that the NPA will continue to advance armed struggle in the countryside and take advantage of the widespread demoralization and confusion now rocking the military and police amidst the political crisis besetting the Arroyo regime.

"The revolutionary armed forces will continue to build the people's democratic government on the basis of the growing organized and armed strength of the people in the countryside," added Rosal.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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