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Communist Party of the Philippines

"Ka Roger" commends Susan Roces

June 30, 2005

Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal released the following statement in reaction to a speech made yesterday by Susan Roces:

"Ms. Susan Roces's statements yesterday deserve commendation. Her words were resolute and militant against the prevarications and corruption of the Arroyo regime. In solidarity with the great majority of the Filipino people, she refused to accept Gloria Arroyo's false admission, insincere apology and further lies.

Ms. Roces expressed sympathy with the great majority of Filipinos for their tremendous suffering under the oppressive Arroyo regime and declared her readiness to join the people in protest actions to bring the hated regime to its rightful end.

She condemned fraudulent elections, inutile processes and the Arroyo regime's continued deception of the Filipino people. She deplored the oppressive measures imposed by Arroyo's corrupt and antipeople government and correctly staked the Filipino people's interest and salvation on nothing else but their own sovereign will and decisive action.

We expect Ms. Roces to be playing an important role in the formation and mobilization of a broad united front composed of various sectors and forces which are determined to end the Arroyo regime and work to establish a fresh government expected to carry out the necessary reforms in the interest of the people.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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