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Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP sees nationwide people's rallies as key to removing Arroyo

July 10, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today said it expects the Filipino people to press on with anti-Arroyo mass demonstrations nationwide "in the face of Gloria Arroyo's continued intransigence."

In a statement, CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said the people have no other option but to "muster their collective strength in order to boot out Gloria Arroyo who stubbornly clings to power despite demands of various sectors of the people for her to resign."

"The people's show of mass unity will be the decisive factor in forcing her out of Malaca�ang. Arroyo is unmoved even by the moral suasions of former President Corazon Aquino and various church leaders. Even the business commmunity has repudiated her leadership yet she insists on remaining."

He urged all groups and individuals demanding Arroyo's resignation to combine and coordinate their plans of action to unite the people into a powerful force. "Arroyo's obstinacy," he said, "underscores the need for the people to once again demonstrate their decisive power to shape history."

Rosal expects that the longer Arroyo clings to power, more and more street protests, university walk-outs, prayer rallies and other forms of collective action will be carried out by the people in Metro Manila and in the provinces.

He added that the people are growing more impatient and indignant by the day as they witness how Arroyo's allies employ any and all tactics to derail congressional hearings on the Gloriagate scandal. With this same majority in the legislature, he said, an impeachment process will also likely be beaten down, thus making the people realize that the parliament of the streets has become the more viable option.

Rosal warned "Malaca�ang fascists from resorting to the use of 'muscle'," an internal euphemism for violent repression. Rosal was referring to information confided yesterday to PCIJ and Newsbreak by a resigned Cabinet secretary that in an executive meeting on July 5, hardliners in the Arroyo cabinet had been pushing "to show muscle" against the growing Arroyo Resign movement. This development, said the former Cabinet official, was one of the reasons that prompted their resignation.

Rosal countered claims by the Philippine National Police and the Armed Forces of the Philippines that the New People's Army plans to infiltrate demonstrations and provoke violence.

He said the PNP's claims were "outright lies repeated ad nauseam" and were meant to justify the use of force and dissuade people from joining street rallies. Rosal reiterated the CPP-NPA's earlier declarations that it is giving free rein to the people's democratic movement to oust Arroyo and will not participate in their mass actions.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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