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Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP condemns London bombings, condoles with victims

July 12, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today released the following statement:
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) strongly condemns the July 9 terrorist bombings in London claimed by the group Secret Organization of the Al-Qaeda in Europe that killed scores of commuters and injured several hundred others. In behalf of the Filipino people, the CPP extends its sincerest condolences to the British people, the bombing victims, their families and loved ones.

Targeting innocent civilians can never be justified, even if it is claimed to be in retaliation for the wholescale repression perpetrated by the US and British imperialists against the Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan peoples and many other peoples around the world.

The mass killing of civilians is anathema to revolutionary principles. It also violates basic humanitarian principles, standards and norms enshrined in international law. Although not of the same level as the more devastating global-scale terrorism perpetrated by the imperialists, al-Qaeda's terrorist acts cannot be condoned.

The CPP sympathizes with the plight of the Arab, Afghan and other peoples and with a great number of Islamic believers who continue to be victimized by imperialist aggression, occupation and terrorism and fully supports their anti-imperialist and revolutionary struggles and that of all other peoples suffering under the yoke and threat of imperialism and reaction. A number of them have felt compelled to commit terrorist acts in the course of their struggles in reaction to the more harrowing global terrorism perpetrated by the US and other imperialists. The CPP opposes in the strongest terms, all acts of terrorism, no matter how "defensive" and how small.

Terrorism of whatever scale victimizes innocent people, and only plays into the hands of the imperialists. It tends to obscure the fact imperialist terrorism perpetrated worldwide is far more dastardly, and gives the imperialist terrorists justification to further push their militarist agenda and carry out with impunity large-scale wars of aggression, promote fascism and intensify the oppression of other countries and peoples in the name of anti-terrorism.

Struggles for national and social liberation must be advanced on the basis and strength of the masses' conscious and sovereign will and action, in accordance with international humanitarian principles and civilized norms and in solidarity with other countries and peoples of the world likewise fighting for national and social freedom.

The CPP urges the world's peoples to unite in solidarity with the Arab people and other followers of Islam who are oppressed by US and other imperialists, their Zionist expansionist partners as well as by Islamic fundamentalists. We must oppose terrorism in all its forms-- especially the worst kind perpetrated by US imperialism. Unite against imperialism and all reaction, and advance struggles for national and social liberation worldwide.

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