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Communist Party of the Philippines

Chacha, a futile diversionary tactic--CPP

July 13, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today charged that the regime�s renewed effort to promote charter changes (chacha) is an �obvious ruse� that is bound to fail in diverting the people�s attention and derailing the escalating mass protest movement to oust Gloria Arroyo from Malaca�ang.

CPP spokesperson Gregorio �Ka Roger� Rosal said the Arroyo regime�s chacha gambit will fail to mitigate the intensifying antagonism between the increasingly isolated Arroyo clique and the growing numbers of people opposed to its rule. �It cannot stop the accelerating pace leading to the regime�s downfall,� he said.

Rosal cited widespread public skepticism about chacha. �They perceive it as a desperate ploy to save the detested Arroyo presidency and advance the imperialist and fascist agenda of gratifying the US and the fascists by injecting more anti-national and anti-democratic provisions,� he said.

�The longer Gloria Arroyo survives her regime�s paroxysms and defer its inevitable demise with such desperate schemes, the more the entire system degenerates, and the more the people�s anger intensifies,� said Rosal. �The Arroyo Resign movement is bound to further swell into a nationwide protest movement.�

�Ultimately, this provides the revolutionary movement manifold opportunities to move forward more vigorously,� Rosal said. He noted that �the revolutionary forces are advancing on all fronts, taking stock of the unfolding situation and seizing all opportunities to advance the people�s movement and revolutionary war and bringing them closer to victory.�

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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