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Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP scores Arroyo regime for invalid termination of JASIG

August 4, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) denounced Malaca�ang for its �invalid and unilateral termination� of the Joint Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees (JASIG) and its issuance of arrest orders against NDF consultants, advisers and staff assigned to the peace talks.

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said the Malaca�ang declaration was premised on the Arroyo regime�s malicious claim that the NDFP had abandoned the peace negotiations. Rosal reiterated the NDFP�s commitment to the peace process and clarified that it had merely deferred the holding of formal talks until a new government was in place. He cited NDFP statements saying it was pointless to pursue peace negotiations with a regime that was on the brink of collapse.

Rosal also said that the hiatus in the formal talks would give the Government of the Republic of the Philippines ample opportunity to comply with its commitments under previous agreements, among them exerting political and diplomatic efforts to have the CPP, NPA and NDFP senior adviser Jose Ma. Sison stricken off various �terrorist listings.� He decried the Arroyo regime�s consistent failure to make good on its promises to comply with duly signed accords with the NDFP.

Rosal reiterated that once formal peace talks are resumed with a new government in place, the revolutionary forces expect the next regime to show real intent and sincerity in pursuing the peace process, reverse the militarist and anti-peace policies of the Arroyo regime, and correspondingly respect and implement all previous agreements with the NDF, including the JASIG.

He said the Arroyo government�s unilateral termination of the JASIG only further shows its complete lack of interest in peace negotiations, and affirms the correctness of the NDF�s view that it would have to await the assumption of a new government for the peace talks to resume meaningfully.

Rosal warned the Arroyo regime that arresting JASIG holders would be a blatant violation of the peace process. He said that NDFP personnel have already been harassed and put under strict surveillance, in violation of the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law which Malaca�ang has ironically said it would continue to uphold despite its scrapping of the JASIG. Rosal said the revolutionary forces would hold the Arroyo regime responsible for any harm that may befall the NDFP�s personnel.

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