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Communist Party of the Philippines

ARMM elections scorns Bangsamoro demand for genuine autonomy--CPP

August 10, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines today said that the Arroyo regime has once more betrayed its contempt for the peace process through its unilateral repudiation of agreements previously entered into by the GRP with the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and its disregard of a key issue in the ongoing negotiations with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal warned that the regime's declaration has dangerous implications for ongoing peace negotiations with the MILF since one of the most significant agreements arrived at with the MNLF pertained to the recognition of the right of the Bangsamoro to genuine autonomy.

Rosal said it was evident that all the Arroyo regime is really interested in is to repay political debts and install its own lapdogs to administer the "Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao" (ARMM).

"The Arroyo regime has totally disregarded the basic rationale for the formation of the autonomous region in the first place�a recognition of the right of the Bangsamoro to genuine self-government." Said Rosal. "With the ARMM reactionary elections skewered to be won by Zhaldy Datu Puti Ampatu, an Arroyo candidate, in payment for her electoral debts to him, the Arroyo government has only mocked the issue of genuine autonomy." Media and other observers have noted that the August 8 ARMM elections, as before, were ridden with massive fraud. The "Gloriagate" tapes have revealed the intricate and massive use of fraud in the previous elections in the ARMM, including for the presidential elections in May 2004.

Both the MILF and the MNLF have declared that they do not recognize the ARMM. "The GRP has torn into pieces the Philippine government's previous agreement with the MNLF, and has also all but eradicated conditions for any meaningful peace negotiations with the MILF," Rosal said.

He called on the MILF to be doubly vigilant in view of the GRP's latest maneuvers.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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