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Communist Party of the Philippines

Protest treacherous emergency powers-CPP

August 19, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today called on the people to protest the emergency powers president Gloria Arroyo proposes to use in the face of escalating oil prices.

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said "Malaca�ang's proposal for Congress to grant her emergency powers would only lead to controlling protests instead of controlling oil prices. It is part of Arroyo's treacherous maneuvers to stay in power." Malaca�ang has proposed a bill to grant Arroyo the use of emergency measures for coping with the present energy crisis and rising oil prices.

"From the very beginning, Arroyo has been completely and criminally servile to the international oil cartel. She has refused to lift a finger against oil deregulation which allows foreign oil monopolies unbridled freedom to take advantage of rising world oil prices and reaping tremendous superprofits by unjust and relentlessly raising prices much, much more in the local market," Rosal said.

Rosal pointed out that oil companies have been making more windfall profits In the midst of the world's oil crisis. "It is a complete lie for them to claim that they are losing revenues. They hoard oil supplies, speculate on petrodollars and raise local prices all the more to make more superprofits." he added. "In fact, these oil companies have been among the most profitable both globally and locally."

The CPP spokesperson expressed that "Arroyo's complicity with the oil cartel and refusal to revoke oil deregulation, in fact, is one of the compelling issues in the people's clamor for Arroyo's ouster."

"As she cannot and will not reduce the oil cartel's monopoly prices to more reasonable levels, the very reason Arroyo wants emergency powers now is only to use them to fend off opposition and protests and prolong and entrench her regime amidst widespread calls for her ouster," Rosal said.

He urged the Filipino people to protest such emergency powers and vigorously push forward the struggle to oust the Arroyo regime.

He also urged the people to oppose Malacanang's plan to push forward with the additional 10% E-VAT tax on oil products. "It is the height of hypocrisy for Arroyo to propose so-called energy saving measures while exhibiting extreme insensitivity and cruelty in insisting to raise taxes and causing more price rises amid the worsening plight of the people."


Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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