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Communist Party of the Philippines

NDF hits new AFP chief for crimes against the people; says Arroyo is No. 1 recruiter since Marcos for the revolutionary movement

24 August 2005

"AFP Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Generoso Senga might put his best foot forward to prove to Mrs. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo that he is worthy of his new designation. But he, like Arroyo and the rest of the AFP elements who committed grave human rights violations against the people, can definitely not escape from the revolutionary movement's quest for justice," Rubi del Mundo, spokesperson of the National Democratic Front-Southern Mindanao, warned today.

Senga, the former Commanding Officer of the 701st Brigade, and three other AFP officials, four military elements, two paramilitary and four civilians, were indicted in 2000 of War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity and other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law and International Humanitarian Rights Law in connection with the abduction, torture, and murder of martyr revolutionaries Godofredo 'Ka Paking' Guimbaolibot, Rolando 'Ka JR' Jubahib and civilians, Engr. Edwin Asion and Mariano Diamante -- now known as the Mawab Four.

"If Senga thinks that the AFP can threaten the revolutionary forces by declaring massive operations against the NPA, he is wrong," Del Mundo pointed out. "With the increasing numbers of those who join the red army and the strong support of the masses in the countryside, the AFP elements will surely be defeated once they attack the revolutionary bases," the NDF spokesperson added.

Del Mundo said that like any human rights violator, "Senga, will pay for his crimes against the people and the revolutionary movement."

"The NPA has successfully conducted series of tactical offensives in the region. The recent one is the incident in Magpet, North Cotabato, where the Red fighters gathered high-powered guns without firing a single shot," Del Mundo said.

Del Mundo said the fascist attacks of the Arroyo regime against the poor peasants and indigenous people in the countryside, leaders and members of the legitimate peoples' organizations and progressive pary-lists, media practitioners, and lawyers, among others, will only strengthen the revolutionary movement.

"Because of Mrs. Arroyo, her rule of terror and her regime's anti-people policies, thousands are joining the revolutionary movement to end the bankruptcy of the state and its rotten system," Del Mundo said.

"Arroyo has exposed her rotten regime and with that the revolutionary movement is gaining more and more the people's support as they realize that the People's Democratic Government is the true government of the people," Del Mundo concluded. ***

(Sgd), Rubi del Mundo, Spokesperson, National Democratic Front - Southern Mindanao

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