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Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP denounces "September terrorist attacks" scenario

September 1, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today denounced the "September terrorist attack" scenario being raised by National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales as part of Malacanang script to justify the suppression of mass protests and prevent the possibility of an anti-Arroyo uprising in the wake of the killing of the impeachment process by the House Justice Committee last August 31.

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal made this statement in reaction to claims made by National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales that terrorist groups in the Philippines are planning a big attack this September with the supposed help of foreign terrorists. Gonzales made his claims immediately after a recent reported bombing of a ferry in Basilan.

Gonzales followed up his claims with an appeal to Congress to rush the finalization into law of the Anti-terrorist Bill that has long been pending in Congress. The bill has been met with widespread and vigorous protests from human rights advocates, democratic organizations, church groups and many other sectors.

Rosal said "The 'bombing,' preceded a day earlier by "warnings" from defense officials, was surrounded by suspicious circumstances more relevealing of being stage-managed rather than a real terrorist attack."

Rosal pointed out that many past incidents of terrorist acts have always been preceded by "warnings" by Malacanang and military officials who invariably quote concocted intelligence sources.

The CPP spokesperson said that the Gonzales' "September terrorist attacks" have been premeditated by Malacanang as an epilogue to its impeachment coup de gr�ce. Rosal pointed out as early as mid-August, Arroyo used the rising oil prices as an excuse to ask for 'emergency powers' and to give instructions to Gonzales to prepare against "terrorist attacks" assuming the "lowest-threat to the highest-threat scenario."

"Malacanang frantically wants the streets to be cleared 'at all costs' especially this September in order to pretend to the world that all is in peace in the country especially when Arroyo goes to the United Nations to precide over a summit of the UN Security Council summit on September 12," said Rosal. The Philippines will assume the rotating presidency as a non- permananent member of the council in the month of September.

Rosal said that Malacanang expects that its killing of the impeachment process in Congress will be met with public uproar, massive protests and a shift from the parliamentary tribunal to the tribunal of the streets. "Thus Arroyo and her circle of militarist-minded officials has drawn up this "September terrorist attack" scenario to justify the use of martial law powers to quell protests expected to break out in the aftermath of the killing of the amended impeachment complaint."

Rosal called on the people to strongly denounce and resist the fascist plans of Malacanang, including Gonzales' September scenario.

"The CPP-NPA, together with the people, will make the Arroyo regime pay for any and all acts of terrorism and repression that Malacanang are working out to kill all protests and the freedom of the people after having killed the impeachement process," added Rosal.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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