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Communist Party of the Philippines

The Filipino people are left with little recourse but to directly remove Arroyo from Malacanang-CPP

September 1, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today described last night's railroaded killing of the impeachment process in the House of Representatives Committee on Justice as a "pyrrhic victory" which the Arroyo regime will pay for dearly at the end of the day. At the same time, the CPP called on the Filipino people to exert all-out effort in exercising their democratic prerogative to directly remove Gloria Arroyo from Malacanang.

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said the Arroyo regime "through its loyalists in the so-called Justice Committee" killed the impeachment complaint "with such impunity and brazenness" that broad sections of the Filipino people who wanted to see genuine impeachment proceedings and the removal of Arroyo through such a process now view extra-constitutional means as about the only viable option left.

Rosal said the killing of the impeachment process has further enraged the Filipino people who have been clamoring for an end to the Arroyo regime. "To the Filipino people, the dismissal of the impeachment process is another maneuver by the Arroyo regime to conceal the truth and evade justice in the face of its grave commissions of electoral fraud, corruption and human rights violations."

Rosal pointed out that the great majority of the Filipino people are convinced by the overwhelming evidence that Arroyo perpetrated massive fraud in last year's elections. "That is why they are doubly incensed with her arrogance and furious efforts to entrench herself in Malacanang, make a mockery of all legal proceedings and trample on justice."

Fully aware that shooting down the impeachment complaint will incite massive street demonstrations, the Arroyo regime is also setting the stage for martial rule-type of repression, using as pretext the successive increases in oil prices and staged-managed 'terrorist acts'," Rosal added.

"The CPP condemns proposals by Malacanang officials to suspend the writ of habeas corpus as well as to give Arroyo emergency dictatorial powers," said Rosal. "The Filipino people and their revolutionary forces will vigorously oppose any step to set up an Arroyo dictatorship."

"In the face of Gloria Arroyo's adamance and high-handed refusal to step down, the CPP reiterates its directive to all units of the New People's Army to intensify armed offensives against military targets in the countryside," Rosal said.

"These tactical offensives will have a threefold objective: to underscore the people's disgust over the Arroyo regime, to further weaken the Arroyo regime that is now ever-reliant on military support and to help propel people's war to a higher level," he said.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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