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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

SC upholding of EVAT, a cruel move - CPP

September 2, 2005

Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal released the following statement today in reaction to the Supreme Court decision upholding the constitutionality of the E-VAT law:
The Supreme Court decision to uphold the Arroyo regime's EVAT law is an act of extreme cruelty. It dovetails Malaca�ang's utter insensitivity to the plight of a people already suffering from grinding poverty.

The SC decision is sure to push up prices of basic goods and services and intensify the people's suffering.

In shoving EVAT down the Filipino people's throats right after the House Justice Committee brazenly junked the impeachment process, the Arroyo regime has succeeded only in fueling the people's ire.

The Filipino people are all the more justified in waging militant struggle to end the corrupt and oppressive Arroyo regime.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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