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Communist Party of the Philippines

Arroyo treason, more reason for its overthrow -- CPP

September 15, 2005

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today accused the Arroyo regime of treason for actively seeking and abetting US political intervention in the internal affairs in the Philippines.

Yesterday, Malacanang confirmed earlier reports that National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales signed last July 25 a contract with US lobby group Venable LLP for $75,000 a month (equivalent to P50 million a year) to help the Arroyo regime secure funding from US sources for its campaign to revise the Philippine constitution. Venable LLP is one of the top 100 law and lobby firms in the US and is considered a heavy-weight in US state and legislative lobby work.

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said that with its abominable lobby contract with Venable to lobby for US funding for Chacha, Arroyo has demonstrated how she grovels at her Master Bush's feet, seeking US direct intervention in Philippine affairs. "Arroyo's ultimate mendicacy is especially manifested in this case where changes in the supposed basic law of the Philippine government is being negotiated in exchange for US funding."

Rosal pointed out that the contract with Venable is "just the latest act of treason of Arroyo." He also pointed out that since 2001, the Arroyo regime has established partnership with Agile Philippines, a USAID-funded office that has actively intervened in the formulation of practically all major economic and fiscal legislations since 2001.

He also cited reports released yesterday by the US Justice Department pointing out that the Arroyo regime has entered into contracts amounting to a total of $1.87 million with various US-based lobby groups as channels for the facilitation of various forms of US economic and political interference in the internal and supposedly sovereign affairs of the Philippines."

"Abetting US military intervention remains the biggest and most barefaced act of treason," said Rosal. "Arroyo has actively partnered with US military officials to transform virtually the entire Philippines into a large American military facility where US combat troops are allowed complete freedom to use Philippine air space, seaports and other infrastructure."

Arroyo's acts of treason are additional reasons for her ouster, Rosal said. "All the more, she has shown that she represents not the interest of the Filipino people, but that of her imperialist masters."

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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